Thursday, September 08, 2005

This has been the greatest day ever!!

(Please re-read the title with great sarcasm) It has NOT been the greatest day ever. Not even close. First, I wake up around 5 this morning and can't get back to sleep. I can't stop sneezing. So I decide to shower. I almost had a very painful fall when getting in, because my feet were lotioned and slick and my one foot slipped in the shower and I had to grab onto the shower door. That was a close one. When I got out, my husband and Mason were still sleeping, which meant that I had 15 minutes to get myself and baby ready to be out the door. And can you believe it? I made it. I had Mason dressed and fed and myself dressed in time to get him to daycare and myself to work without being late. I'm amazing.

Then I get to work and there is a sign up that says that we're being audited so we can't use the teacher's lounge at all today. I guess the auditors were going to set up camp there. This means no copy machine, no laminator, no microwave and no storing lunch in the fridge. That means no making copies for next week or eating lunch in the teacher's lounge. Nice. Then, as I am working with my resource kids, I am informed that someone needs the resource room to test certain students for Speech. With no extra classrooms, I am forced to take the kids outside, where it's really windy and sunny. But there is a God, because the kids were still able to concentrate and complete their work. One girl even got 100% on her spelling test, which in itself is a gosh darn miracle!! I was so proud. THEN, my lead teacher in 6th needed to leave because her son in Kindergarten was throwing up. She gets back and there's a phone call for me from Mason's daycare. He has pink eye. Again. I was so frustrated, I was in tears. I began to feel so guilty that he is a daycare baby. If he was staying home with me everyday, this wouldn't happen, especially not twice in two weeks. So, I had to leave work and get him.

I managed to get him in to see his doctor today and she confirmed that it is pink eye again. Arrghh! He can't return to daycare until Monday now. Great. So, I had to call work and tell them I won't be there tomorrow. Of course my son comes first, but it's hard to call in to work to tell them your son is sick (or has pink eye for the second time, in my case). The boss is understanding, but makes me feel a bit guilty that I take him to the daycare that I do. Like as if they are mistreating him. She suggested this at-home daycare that a lot of the teachers use. I may look into it and see how much the girl charges.

I hate not having many resources here. Don't get me wrong, I think it's definitely a good thing that neither set of parents live in town(because distance makes the heart grow fonder, does it not?), but in cases like this, it makes it difficult. And our only emergency contact here has her own little girl (Mason's future girlfriend), so she won't want to expose her daughter to pink eye.

I love teaching and working with kids. I miss it terribly when I don't teach, but I really really wish I could be a stay-at-home mom until he's at least 3 or 4. But unfortunately, our funds don't stretch that far. They are already pulled to the max as it is. We have three jobs between us and it's still painful to eat fast food or get gas for the cars (Good God, when will that craziness end? I should just start walking to work!!). I guess it'll all be okay and we'll survive. Pink eye's certainly not the end of the world. It could be a lot worse. We could be living in New Orleans right now.