Saturday, January 13, 2007

Thank you, Jesus, Lord in Heaven

So, my friend calls me up this morning and tells me to turn to the Discovery Channel--they are doing a story on a girl from our high school. That's kinda cool in itself. I went to a small town high school. Not a lot of celebrities or even people that make the newspaper from there. But there she was. We weren't friends with her, and in fact the friend that called me had to look her name up in the yearbook, but she for sure attended our high school. You wanna know what the story was about? She had QUINTUPLETS!!! Yes, 5 babies. Holy Mother of God!! That is just unfathomable! I know you hear of women giving birth to more babies than that, but when you see a face on TV that you actually know, having five, that's just crazy! And she had two before that!! That totals 7, ladies and gentlemen! No thank you. I know it's a blessing and you do what you gotta do, but if I (and my hubby) have anything to do with it, we will be done at two. Two's good. Then you're not outnumbered. There's two of us. And I have two hands. And you can find strollers to carry two children. And two kids can ride in the same grocery cart. It just makes sense. Five doesn't. So that was the exciting moment in my day...