Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ouchie, Ouchie, Ouchie

My head hurts. It's pounding. It's like someone just kicked me really hard with a golf shoe, in the right side of my head. This is the third day. At the same time. And it's really getting aggravating!! I drink lots of water and I eat breakfast. Right as 4th period is ending and I'm getting ready for my lunch and prep. period, my head starts screaming at me. I don't know what to do, besides chugging aspirin or Tylenol. I haven't been doing anything different lately. No added stress or different perfume or a different schedule or eating something new. I don't get it. So, even though my hubby and I have banned soda (unless it's Diet and we're eating out), I got a Dr. Pepper from the coke machine in the lounge, hoping that will knock it out. We'll see.

In the meantime, let me tell you a little story about Hormone Boy. Grrrr...He's more than a little chatty at times (which is most of the time)and he's had so many warnings about it that it's getting ridiculous. I've moved his seat (twice), I've given him Lunch Detention, and yesterday was the second day that I've sent him to someone else's classroom, because he was disrupting our Anne Frank movie. So, I decided after I sent him on to another teacher yesterday, that it was darned time I wrote him an ASD. So, the protocol is to call home. Mom was very supportive and is seeing the same crap at home. I talked to her for 15 minutes and suggested that maybe it will need to come to him helping out around the school and helping out in his school community. Mom was all for it. And Hormone Boy's math teacher agrees. We'll see.

So, he passes my class today and says, "Hey Mrs. Lionhead, why'd you write me an ASD?" I promptly explain that it was because of his behavior and he had been warned many times. To this, he says, "Oh okay. And my mom wants me to tell you that it takes two to tango." Huh? He didn't seem to know why she said that or what she meant by it. Maybe her message got lost in translation. I don't know. I just hope that she's not supporting me on the phone one minute, and then turning around and siding with him afterwards. You never can tell with parents.

Oh, a little brilliant tidbit for your day: While watching "The Diary of Anne Frank" yesterday (after spending all last week reading half of the play and discussing the turmoil of the Jews in Germany during that time, mind you), one of my students asks, "Why are those people in hiding?" I look at him with a "are you serious?" look on my face and say, "Because of the Holocaust" and he says, "What's the Holocaust?" Oh dear. This worries me. I know it shouldn't surprise me, but sometimes I just want to bang my head against the wall...Hey, maybe that would help my headache!!