Monday, January 15, 2007


Would you believe that I am opting to mop the kitchen floor over grading papers? Well, not exactly. I can't get any grading done when Mason's asleep anyhow, but I could have graded these papers, say, Saturday or Sunday, but noooooo, it's Monday and they're still sitting patiently in my "To Be Graded" folder. But I have been productive, nevertheless today. I've started putting away laundry (Mason doesn't tolerate that for too long, and there's a lot to put away), ran the dishes and like I said, mopped the floor. I gotta do it again though, because Daddy is out changing the oil in his car and I failed to warn him that the floor was clean, so now there are dirty footprints all over it. That's okay, it could use an extra mopping. Well, enough wasting time. I have things to do!!


Mrs. Bluebird said...

Yes I can believe it. I don't know how you english teachers do it. It's all I can do to grade a journal.