Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Can I just tell you...

what a crazy couple of days it's been at work? Our numbers have been way high (running about 30-35 kids with 2-3 counselors--which seems like a minimal amount, but in a classroom, it's structured and much more controlled. This is a non-school setting, with kids ranging from 9-14, they're outside, they're being socialites and lovebirds and fighting opponents, who are unhappy about being outside and doing "team initiatives" and they are kids that would rather be at home watching MTV or BET or South Park or playing "Grand Theft Auto" or "Halo" or listening to Mike Jones or God knows whatever else floats their hormonal boat), and things have been downright mindblowing lately. Yesterday, for instance, we went on a field trip to hike in the mountains that are about a half an hour away. We got lost. The kids were rowdy and impatient. We found the trail and started hiking. Two kids (one was Angry Carrot) got in a scuffle (or maybe a dust billowing, cartoon-like fight would be a better term for it), right there on the trail, in the middle of the woods. Apparently the other kid started stirring stuff up with Angry Carrot, just petty little pestering things. Then, Angry Carrot commented back. Then the other kid spit at Angry Carrot. Whoops. Angry Carrot wailed on him. Fists were flying and Angry Carrot was screaming every obscenity possible (even ones that didn't really make sense). It was ugly, and would have been uglier, had our male counselor not stepped in and separated them. They both were reprimanded, and Angry Carrot was suspended for today. Should have been expelled from camp for the rest of the summer, because he's had countless warnings and slaps on the hand, but it wasn't up to me. Yeah, so, later on the hike, three different kids got hurt. Blood and a little whining, but nothing serious. It was just a little irritating to keep getting the first aid kit out to bandage them. I don't take a break on Tuesdays or Thursdays (because of field trips), so I was ready to crash after that day. Today wasn't so bad. Two kids were written up for "fighting", but it was a silly pushing match that turned to a little wrestling on the floor. Nothing compared to yesterday.

Overall, I have enjoyed most of camp. I have been entertained by the personalities of the kids, and the activities we've done. But, there are moments that just flabbergast me, and I ask myself, "why, again, did you want to do this?" And I suppose my answer refers back to my very first blog entry in August: I AM CRAZY. What teacher or camp counselor isn't? Find them, and I will tell you that they're in denial.