Monday, August 22, 2005

I need good drugs...

Yep, you guessed it: I'm still sick. I had a rough night last night, with my non-Sudafed Sudafed. My throat feels like I swallowed a tumbleweed, attempting to breathe through my nose is pointless and I'm either already going through early menapause or fighting a fever. Yay. It made for a fun birthday, I tell ya. On top of that, the aide that's been out may not be returning at all, so that's great. There's talk that she's moving to Texas asap. THEN, Mason's got pink eye and had to be picked up from daycare. Luckily my husband could go get him since I'd be leaving work high and dry. What a stressful day. I'm glad it's over. Maybe if I go to bed early, I'll have a better day tomorrow...


Mrs. Bluebird said...

Ah, forget the drugs. My Dad always swore by hot toddies. Something about hot tea, lemon, honey and brandy.