Sunday, August 20, 2006


So, Mason hasn't been feeling all that well since last night. He had diahrrea, but otherwise was acting fine. This morning, more runny poop and he didn't want to eat. At lunch, once again, no appetite. I gave him some milk and crackers and we all headed to the store for some things. On the way, I hear these gurgling noises coming from the backseat. I look back, and there's vomit coming from his mouth and nose. We veer the car over and wipe up what we can, and then rush home. Yum. It was everywhere on him and his carseat. He needed a bath and every part of the carseat needed to be scrubbed, washed and sanitized. He's still not really wanting to eat, and he apparently doesn't like Pediasure.

This was one of those incidents that they DON'T tell you about before you have kids...


* K * said...

Aw, poor thing. I HATE watching my kids puke, because they have this look on their face that's like "What's happening to me?! Help me!" And you can't help them! You just have to wait til it's over...he'll be okay though. Water, grapes, and crackers.