Sunday, June 11, 2006

Eating a tuna sandwich

I am not in a creative title kind of mood, I guess. It's Sunday and I feel lazy. However, today I've already gone to church (and helped out in the nursery at the second service), gone to Target (looking for some swim shoes for Mason, and they didn't have any), straightened up my closet and put Mason down for a nap. So, I guess I've still been productive today.

Yesterday we cleaned the house in the morning. The thought of having guests staying here next weekend was inspiration for us to do some deep cleaning that's been ignored for quite awhile. Later, I met with my friend that was in Special Ed at the school I quit for lunch at Red Robin. I got to hear some more dirt on the White Witch and how absolutely insane she is. Good times. After that, we cleaned a little more and watched "Must Love Dogs". Really cute movie.

Mason's going through what articles we've read, call "An Independence Period", which translates to he hasn't wanted to eat much besides popcorn in the past couple of days. And he's had some sort of stomach virus or something on top of it. The whole thing started with him throwing up at the YMCA pool all over Daddy on Wednesday. Yum. Thursday I kept Mason home because he was still vomiting. He didn't eat much of anything that day. He wouldn't even drink milk. I was able to get some juice, Pedialyte and Gatorade down him. Friday he started the day with nice runny, green diarrhea but ate okay at the babysitter's house. Yesterday he ate 2 bites of my Red Robin burger, one french fry and a couple of his crackers. That's not like him. There are times when he can get after a regular cheeseburger all by himself. And fries, he loves fries. So, we were worried, but we read up on it and it seems that he's just expressing his independence and it's just a phase. Basically, he's saying (without words) that he will eat what he wants when he wants. Great, attitude already. We're not sure about the poopy issue, but if it continues through tomorrow, Daddy will take him to the doctor Tuesday. Being a first time parent is mind blowing.

And that was my weekend. Cleaning poop and cleaning the house. Yee-haw!