Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Survivor: Inservices

Today was my first real day back to work. I survived. It was a little surreal being back in the building with all of the staff and such. It felt good to be around the familiar faces and to introduce myself to the newbies. We had some laughs, complained about funds and made some plans for this school year. I hope to have more time tomorrow to get a lot of odds and ends finished up in my room. We'll see.

My hubby and I and the kids went to Chili's tonight, and as soon as we walked in the door, I was spotted by Hormone Boy (have you forgotten such a memorable student? Oh well, this would be a good time to take a trip down memory lane. See Not Your Average Teenage Angst It's worth reading again. I know I just did.) Anywho, he was wearing a nice "wifebeater" shirt and holding the hand of a pretty skanky looking girl (was that mean?) and he said hi to me first. Funny, because I thought he absolutely despised me (case in point. Hormone Boy's at it again ), but apparently not, because he has gone out of his way to talk to me every time I've seen him since 2 school years ago (which must have been at least 4 or 5 times). I guess you never know which ones will have a fond memory of you...

I wonder what tomorrow brings...


~Janet~ said...

I love your Hormone Boy blogs :) I go back to work tomorrow!