Monday, October 15, 2007


Here are some recent "what is going on here?" moments going on in my life, brought to you by Yours Truly:

1. Apparently the Everything bagel makes me throw up. Yeah. Last Sunday I had one for breakfast, and within 10 minutes, I was puking "everything but my toenails" (as my dad would say). And this morning, I had another one (not thinking it was at all related to the last time...silly me) and by the time I was well on my way to dropping Mason off at Ms. Cindy's, my stomach exploded. All I could do was snatch up a Target bag I had on my passenger seat, shake everything out of it and place it under my chin. I didn't even have time to stop the car. Mason was needless to say, a little confused.
Note to self: stay away from the Everything bagels.

2. Somehow, in some other dimension, a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, 2 weeks ago, I was able to be in a town about a 4 hour drive away from here at the same time I was here. We got a Traffic Violation Notice in the mail today, from the said town. They had blurry pictures of a license plate that looked vaguely like ours, a driver that looked sort of like my hubby, in a car that was a Toyota, but not the same model. Interesting. I gave them a call, and they laughed. I guess we just need to mail in our vehicle registration, and prove that it wasn't us, that drove 55 in a 40 mph zone. Weird.

3. I guess one week of Fall Break was not enough for most of my students. All day they were groggy and whiny and sloth-like. By 7th hour, they were a bunch of slugs that could barely keep their eyes open. I told them they were spoiled, as every other school I've worked in never had Fall Break, and furthermore, I NEVER had Fall Break when I was in school. The neighboring district gets 2 WEEKS off for Fall Break. I tried to explain to my distraught students that you are still in school the exact same amount of days as any other district, it's just how they break it up. They just don't see it that way.

Sometimes in life, I just have to stand there, with my eyes squinty, my mouth hanging open and say, "Ummm...what?"


* K * said...

bagels...that's a bummer. I hope you will still like them after you're pregnant. that's a breakfast you don't want to not like!

I tried to reply to your house pictures email but it got sent back to me, saying invalid email address! what the heck?! I should be able to reply to the same address that sent me something! :P

dito on the back from fall break sloths...I played games to liven the kids up a bit. *sigh* ;)