Monday, October 08, 2007


I have a new reason that I've been slacking on my blog the last few days: I'm on Fall Break this week. Ahh, glorious Fall Break...

The end of last week was pretty busy but not too stressful. I did, however, send a kid (whom we shall call Name Name, since he has the same first name and last name) to the office BEFORE the first bell on Thursday, for being rude to me and then flipping off two students. That was special. Friday was uneventful, as it was an Early Release and the kids were just finishing the movie "Hercules" (we just wrapped up a unit on Greek Mythology and they wrote Mythology Narratives of their own). Oh, and grades were due. No sweat. Saturday, I had some time to myself, as Hubby attempted to take Mason to an airshow (but it was too much of a hassle). I went to the Christian store to get the new Veggietales, "The Wizard of Ha's" (very funny parody of the original), got a smoothie nearby and went to Kohl's, since it just opened here last week. I managed to get brand new master bath towels and stuff for when we move. That was fun. Yesterday, I felt very drained and yucky, so we skipped church. Later, I felt better, so we ran some errands, then met Ms. Cindy's family for lunch. Today was my first official day of Fall Break. Mason and I have had a nice, restful day. I spent the morning playing with Mason, watching "Wizard of Ha's" (this is Time #3, by the way), packed a box and played outside a bit. We also went to Target and Costco. In a little bit, we're off to meet Hubby at my doc for my monthly prenatal visit. Nothing exciting planned for this appointment, as I am only 15 weeks along. But I think next visit (next month) should be my UltraSound. Yeah!!

Well, Mason's been left to his own devices in the living room long enough. Hope all is well with my faithful readers and Fall is finding you in a pleasant mood. See ya.