I actually originally wrote this blog over at my myspace, but I thought I'd share it with you all too. Hope you get a chuckle out of my lack of attention--look, something shiny!!
I saw a student in the halls today with a really funny shirt. And I have to say, it takes a lot for me to say that, as most of their shirts are either just dumb or insulting (like, "Genuis by birth, Slacker by choice" and crap like that). But here's the funny one: "9 out of 10 doctors say I have A.D.D.--look a butterfly!!" Now, that's funny. I know A.D.D. is overdiagnosed and a term that is overused and overemphasized, but it's still a funny--Wait, what was I saying? Oh yeah, A.D.D. Yeah, A.D.D. is funny. Wait, no it's not. I don't know what I'm saying.
Hugs are nice. Especially ones that are warm and just the right amount of tightness and come from someone you love. Ahhh, love.
Robots are cool. I want one that will clean my house. I hate cleaning my house. It's always messy and the bathrooms are my least favorite.
Have you read the book "Everybody Poops"? That's a funny book. It's about how every animal poops and it's supposed to help kids go potty. It's funny.
You know what else is funny? This shirt I saw on a kid today. It said: "9 out of 10 doctors say I have A.D.D.--look a butterfly!!"
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