Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Can anyone answer this for me?

Okay, I live down the street from a food bank. So, on Wednesdays, I see loads and loads of people pull up and load up their cars with bread, canned goods, etc. I am all for it. If someone's in need, let's help them out. Heck, I was on WIC when I was pregnant with Mason through his first year of life. They provided formula, juice, baby cereal and some groceries. The formula alone was generous and a big help. Needless to say, I support causes that give a helping hand to those who are in dire straights. But here's my question: if you can afford to have a cigarette hanging out of your mouth as you pull into the food bank and wait for your free food, why can't you afford to drive your ass down to Fry's and get your own groceries?? It just seems to me that even the cheapie generic cigarettes are hurting the pocketbook of any chain smoker. How can anyone justify shelling out the cash for those cancer sticks, yet feel that they deserve free bread and canned foods for free? Anyone have an answer?


* K * said...

people need financial counseling and talking to.