Monday, May 26, 2008

Proud to be an American

Happy Memorial Day, everyone!! So, without getting too political or in-your-face with you any of you, I just want to say that I hope you remember why we celebrate this day. It doesn't matter where you stand on the wars that are going on, or what politcal party you're from, or what race you are, or what religion you practice or what your stand for at all. Really, in this instance, it doesn't. Because no matter who you are or what you believe in or where you're from, someone came before you and fought and died for you to live the way you do. You couldn't live so freely, knowing that you can pray to whatever God (or god) you want without being persecuted for it, you can eat in whatever restaurant or use whatever public facility you choose without fear that someone might see your skin color and kick you out after a severe beating. We are who we are because of our history. And most of that history involves Veterans and soldiers that did what they needed to do and what they thought was right. We often forget that or think of it as cliche'. But today should be a reminder of why we have the luxuries we have and the price others before us paid.

So, as you're grilling your hot dogs and burgers, or chugging down that icy cold beer or just laughing it up with your buddies, remember how lucky you are to hang out with whomever you want and talk about whatever you want. It's good to be free, isn't it?