Friday, June 20, 2008

Super Happy Funtime

Summer is in full swing. In fact, today at 4:59 p.m. is the official start of summer. Which is weird, since it has felt like summer here for awhile now: I've been off of work for 3 months, and the weather's been toasty warm for a month or so.
Even though I am getting a bit stir crazy and feeling ready to return to work, I have been enjoying my days lately. Like I mentioned in my last blog, we've had a few kiddos visiting lately. Well, since then, I've had some sort of social interaction every day this week. Monday, I spent all morning at Ms. Cindy's house. Tuesday was Bible Study. Wednesday, my friend came over with her two girls. Yesterday, I was over at Ms. Cindy's house again, helping her friend organize Ms. Cindy's baby shower. Today, a work friend is coming over and we're venturing out to the mall. Tomorrow, we might be having some friends over for dinner. Sunday is church and probably Del Taco. I don't know about Monday, but Tuesday will be interesting. I have offered to watch Ms. Cindy's 3 youngest, while she and her her hubby and two oldest kids go for a doctor's appointment. All day. I will be in charge of 5 children under the age of 8 all day. Should be a memorable moment in time.
And that's it. My days have been filled with baby duties, entertaining a 3 year old, and attempting to be social with other human beings. It's working out pretty well so far.
Happy Summer!!