Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Got milk?

First off, Gracie's sleeping in streak is over. She got up at 4:45 two nights ago, and 5:15 this morning. I don't count that as sleeping through the night. It needs to be at least 6 to count in my book.

Secondly, we've decided not to give Grace breastmilk anymore. Long story short, we've been mixing 4 different types of formula and we just re-introduced a little breastmilk to it, and it made her spitting up problem worse. She was gagging and spitting up 4 or 5 times per feeding. And some of it looked like mashed potatoes! Nice, huh? So, we've decided to give her formula only. And we're gonna donate the stored breastmilk we still have in the freezer. There's this organization called the International Breastmilk Project that gives donated breastmilk to sick children here in the United States, but also to babies in Africa whose mothers can't breastfeed because they carry HIV/AIDS. Check out their website: And I was gonna just throw the milk away!!

So maybe Grace can't use it, but others can. I guess I was meant to put in all the time and effort of pumping all that time to bless other babies.

God works in mysterious ways, doesn't he?