Monday, March 10, 2008

Play time!!

It's actually starting to warm up around here, and we're actually spending some time outside. It's nice. Mason's enjoying the activity and we're glad to be using the ginormous backyard for something. Someday soon we'll have a swingset and stuff, but for now, he's happy just running around and playing in the dirt.

And speaking of play time, this is my last week at work. My grades are done. The kids don't know that, as the general understanding is that we as teachers have until Friday to enter grades. But I'm done. I've checked out, to be honest. Today they did a fun worksheet where they designed their own postage stamp. Tomorrow my first block is getting the reward for being the best behaved by far (I did this every Quarter), while the other two classes are doing a St. Patrick's Day activity. Wednesday, I'm showing a super fantastic, ultra cheesy 1990 B.B.C. version of C.S. Lewis' "Prince Caspian". Thursday I'm showing "Pursuit of Happyness". Friday is an Early Release and a Jog-a-thon (major PTSO fundraiser). That's it. No more real work. No more grades to enter. I just need to keep my sanity (and my baby intact) for another 4 days.
