Wow. This time last week, Grace wasn't even born yet. But she is a week old, and that's unbelievable. This week has been a whirlwind, to say the least. Everyday has gotten a little better, with a pseudo routine and my healing. I don't walk around like an arthritic 80 year old anymore and the incision is staple-free now, which is a step. And big brother Mason is still infatuated with his little sister Gracie, at least for now. Anyways, we're getting along okay, and I'm obviously finding time here and there to do things aside from baby care. Will blog again soon.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Has it really been a week????
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
She has arrived!!!
Our C-Section was Friday morning, and Grace Maureen is doing well. Here are the stats: born at 8:14 a.m. and she was 6lbs, 14 oz (smaller than Mason--he was 7 lbs 9 oz), 19 inches long. We came home yesterday. Mason seems real excited to be around her (at least for now) and we're all adjusting to being a family of 4. I'm hobbling around okay, but I'm bruised and look like a crazed maniac took a chainsaw to my lower abdomen, but other than that, we're getting better and better. Will write again soon. And of course there will be pictures soon.
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
'Tis twelve and a half hours until showtime...
Well, this is it. This is really my last blog before Grace arrives. Seriously. We have to be there at 5:30 tomorrow morning, so slim to no chance that I'll get on here in the morning. So yeah. I ate a good meal (have to fast after midnight) and now I am anxiously awaiting the in-laws' arrival in an hour or so, and then I will be anxiously awaiting morning to come, and then anxiously awaiting to the first meeting of our little girl.
Waiting is killer, isn't it?
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
37 hours from now...
We'll be heading into surgery. Wow. Basically, tomorrow is our last day at home before The Big Day. We've been cleaning and nesting and just getting things as organized and clean as possible before baby and before visitors. Today was real productive, with vaccuuming, laundry, giving Max a bath, among other things.
Yesterday was our last OB appointment. She didn't even check to see if I was dilated. She just said that if I go into labor before Friday, to just come on in. Then we went over to the hospital to get some lab work done. (aka blood and pee) I am now already wearing a pretty green bracelet that says I've had blood work done and it's the first of many stylish pieces of plastic jewlery that I get to wear in the next few days.
Funny little anecdote: While still at the OB yesterday, I was signing a bunch of papers and one was clearly a generic surgical form, because one of the boxes I had to initial was that, "I understand that this surgical procedure may not cure my condition". I had to laugh. May not cure my condition?? If I'm still pregnant when I leave the hospital, someone is getting a beating!! :)
May or may not get on here tomorrow. If not, TTFN and I will update you again when we have settled back at home, probably Sunday. And don't worry, there will be more pictures of little Gracie than you can handle. Like you had any doubt...
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Still pregnant
Yep, not much to say. So, why am I blogging then, you ask? I don't know. Honestly, I just painted my toenails and I'm waiting for them to dry so I can go to the store. We have quite a list to get at Fry's, since this will be our last shopping trip for awhile, and we have visitors coming (my hubby's parents and his aunt will be staying here this weekend while we're in the hospital, and his mom is staying through next week). Also, let's be honest, the grocery trip gives me something to do. I've already sanitized Mason's toys, we've dusted and I'm in process of washing all of the floormats in the house. Tomorrow will be some more cleaning and stuff. It's nice to think that the house will be nice and clean and as germ-free as possible when we bring Grace home. And let's face it, cleaning is a nice time filler before she gets here.
Well, I'm sure I'll find some excuse to write again at least once before Friday. You can look forward to those aimless ramblings...
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Mason Sees a Who
We went to see "Horton Hears a Who" this afternoon. Very cute. And our 3 year old sat through the whole thing. He didn't even get squirrely towards the end. It was worth the price of admission. And the time with our son who will no longer be an only child in 5 days. Good stuff...
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 7:54 PM 0 comments
The light at the end of the tunnel
Yesterday was my last day at work. It didn't really hit me though. I've been looking forward to this for months now, and when it finally came, I couldn't wrap my mind around it. Granted, I had some kids hugging me and saying goodbye and saying they'd miss me (probably mostly because they are afraid of the ex assistant principal being their new teacher!!), and teachers were wishing me good luck. But it just felt weird. I packed some of my personal affects, but most of my classroom looks the same. After I was done with everything, I just stood around for a minute and stared. Like I was forgetting something. Or I didn't want to go. Or something. I am so ready for this next chapter in my life to begin, but it still feels a little foreign and surreal to me sometimes. And it feels really weird to not be returning to work after Spring Break. I know my kids are in capable hands, but I feel like I'm going to miss out on something. Or I didn't plan or prepare enough. I don't know. I guess I could make myself crazy worrying or overanalyzing (I never do that!!) over what specifics I may or may not have remembered to leave. But when you get right down to it, it doesn't matter, my kids will be fine and no one will blame me for being unprepared.
Besides, I have bigger fish to fry (weird saying, and I'm not even sure it works in this instance but oh well)!! We're having a baby on Friday!! We're ready, believe me. And I think Mason's as ready as he can be. I have a list of things I would like to get done (like cleaning and whatnot) in an ideal world, but we'll see what happens. Either way, Grace is coming Friday morning and it will all be okay.
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
Play time!!
It's actually starting to warm up around here, and we're actually spending some time outside. It's nice. Mason's enjoying the activity and we're glad to be using the ginormous backyard for something. Someday soon we'll have a swingset and stuff, but for now, he's happy just running around and playing in the dirt.
And speaking of play time, this is my last week at work. My grades are done. The kids don't know that, as the general understanding is that we as teachers have until Friday to enter grades. But I'm done. I've checked out, to be honest. Today they did a fun worksheet where they designed their own postage stamp. Tomorrow my first block is getting the reward for being the best behaved by far (I did this every Quarter), while the other two classes are doing a St. Patrick's Day activity. Wednesday, I'm showing a super fantastic, ultra cheesy 1990 B.B.C. version of C.S. Lewis' "Prince Caspian". Thursday I'm showing "Pursuit of Happyness". Friday is an Early Release and a Jog-a-thon (major PTSO fundraiser). That's it. No more real work. No more grades to enter. I just need to keep my sanity (and my baby intact) for another 4 days.
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 07, 2008
The things I learned yesterday
I was out on Wednesday. Tuesday was just a rough night, as far as not sleeping, having some contractions and just being generally uncomfortable. So, I figured I should take it easy, so I minimize the chances that I will go into labor at work in the next week.
Anyways...I came back yesterday to find out a few things: a)2 of my 3 classes were rowdy (my last block was bad enough to have another teacher come in and yell at them), b)the sub was crazy (and I don't mean crazy in the fun way--crazy like a nutjob) and c)I am so glad this is the last time I have to deal with having a sub for the rest of the school year. It's such a pain to be out. I left explicit plans via email to the principal's secretary (which is protocol at our school), but apparently the sub "didn't see the plans" until later 1st period. Grrr. And a plethora of names were left as rowdy students. I wrote 11 ASDs. I was furious. I know that having an easy sub breeds misbehavior, but I don't think that's an excuse. These kids are 12 years old!! They need to take responsibility for their actions! So, needless to say, by the time yesterday ended at school, I was relieved.
Last night, my hubby and I went to a follow up labor class at the hospital. Yes, we're having a scheduled c-section (hopefully), but I still thought it would be beneficial, which it was. We talked about our previous labor experience (it was just us and one other couple) and then the hubby's learned some relaxation techniques, which included massage. That was worth the $10 itself! Next week we'll take Mason with us, and we'll get a tour of the labor and delivery rooms and get to introduce him to the idea of it all. We've talked to him some about the baby coming and how Mommy and Daddy are going to be staying at the hospital for a few days and Grandma and Grandpa will be coming to stay with him, but I don't think he quite gets it. So, maybe taking him next week will help.
And that's it. I have one week of work (doing the happy dance) and 2 weeks until baby Grace comes. Assuming I last that long. I'm trying, man, trust me. I want to make it to the scheduled day. I don't want to stress or rush. And I want to clean the house and have some time with Mason during Spring Break first!! I guess we'll see what God has written in his planbook, eh?
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Okay baby...

Posted by Princess Lionhead at 5:04 PM 0 comments