Friday, March 07, 2008

The things I learned yesterday

I was out on Wednesday. Tuesday was just a rough night, as far as not sleeping, having some contractions and just being generally uncomfortable. So, I figured I should take it easy, so I minimize the chances that I will go into labor at work in the next week.

Anyways...I came back yesterday to find out a few things: a)2 of my 3 classes were rowdy (my last block was bad enough to have another teacher come in and yell at them), b)the sub was crazy (and I don't mean crazy in the fun way--crazy like a nutjob) and c)I am so glad this is the last time I have to deal with having a sub for the rest of the school year. It's such a pain to be out. I left explicit plans via email to the principal's secretary (which is protocol at our school), but apparently the sub "didn't see the plans" until later 1st period. Grrr. And a plethora of names were left as rowdy students. I wrote 11 ASDs. I was furious. I know that having an easy sub breeds misbehavior, but I don't think that's an excuse. These kids are 12 years old!! They need to take responsibility for their actions! So, needless to say, by the time yesterday ended at school, I was relieved.

Last night, my hubby and I went to a follow up labor class at the hospital. Yes, we're having a scheduled c-section (hopefully), but I still thought it would be beneficial, which it was. We talked about our previous labor experience (it was just us and one other couple) and then the hubby's learned some relaxation techniques, which included massage. That was worth the $10 itself! Next week we'll take Mason with us, and we'll get a tour of the labor and delivery rooms and get to introduce him to the idea of it all. We've talked to him some about the baby coming and how Mommy and Daddy are going to be staying at the hospital for a few days and Grandma and Grandpa will be coming to stay with him, but I don't think he quite gets it. So, maybe taking him next week will help.

And that's it. I have one week of work (doing the happy dance) and 2 weeks until baby Grace comes. Assuming I last that long. I'm trying, man, trust me. I want to make it to the scheduled day. I don't want to stress or rush. And I want to clean the house and have some time with Mason during Spring Break first!! I guess we'll see what God has written in his planbook, eh?