Saturday, March 15, 2008

The light at the end of the tunnel

Yesterday was my last day at work. It didn't really hit me though. I've been looking forward to this for months now, and when it finally came, I couldn't wrap my mind around it. Granted, I had some kids hugging me and saying goodbye and saying they'd miss me (probably mostly because they are afraid of the ex assistant principal being their new teacher!!), and teachers were wishing me good luck. But it just felt weird. I packed some of my personal affects, but most of my classroom looks the same. After I was done with everything, I just stood around for a minute and stared. Like I was forgetting something. Or I didn't want to go. Or something. I am so ready for this next chapter in my life to begin, but it still feels a little foreign and surreal to me sometimes. And it feels really weird to not be returning to work after Spring Break. I know my kids are in capable hands, but I feel like I'm going to miss out on something. Or I didn't plan or prepare enough. I don't know. I guess I could make myself crazy worrying or overanalyzing (I never do that!!) over what specifics I may or may not have remembered to leave. But when you get right down to it, it doesn't matter, my kids will be fine and no one will blame me for being unprepared.

Besides, I have bigger fish to fry (weird saying, and I'm not even sure it works in this instance but oh well)!! We're having a baby on Friday!! We're ready, believe me. And I think Mason's as ready as he can be. I have a list of things I would like to get done (like cleaning and whatnot) in an ideal world, but we'll see what happens. Either way, Grace is coming Friday morning and it will all be okay.