Today was long but productive and fun. I puttered around my classroom a bit, sat through meetings and Inservices that were somewhat informative, but mostly social. I went to lunch with my 7th grade team and it was nice to take a breath and get off campus (especially because our air conditioner isn't working properly!!). I am mostly done in my room, but I have a few things I want to organize a bit more so it looks all pretty. Plus, I haven't even begun to make copies for next week. Let's hope that gets done tomorrow...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Survivor: Inservices DAY TWO
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Survivor: Inservices
Today was my first real day back to work. I survived. It was a little surreal being back in the building with all of the staff and such. It felt good to be around the familiar faces and to introduce myself to the newbies. We had some laughs, complained about funds and made some plans for this school year. I hope to have more time tomorrow to get a lot of odds and ends finished up in my room. We'll see.
My hubby and I and the kids went to Chili's tonight, and as soon as we walked in the door, I was spotted by Hormone Boy (have you forgotten such a memorable student? Oh well, this would be a good time to take a trip down memory lane. See Not Your Average Teenage Angst It's worth reading again. I know I just did.) Anywho, he was wearing a nice "wifebeater" shirt and holding the hand of a pretty skanky looking girl (was that mean?) and he said hi to me first. Funny, because I thought he absolutely despised me (case in point. Hormone Boy's at it again ), but apparently not, because he has gone out of his way to talk to me every time I've seen him since 2 school years ago (which must have been at least 4 or 5 times). I guess you never know which ones will have a fond memory of you...
I wonder what tomorrow brings...
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 7:40 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Things are a little better since my last entry. As far as our littlest "kitty" Gracie, we are trying soy formula and are now playing the Waiting Game to see if it helps.
I'm trying to make the most of today and tomorrow, as I officially return to work on Wednesday. I am ready to go back, that is for sure, but I also treasure time with my little ones at home. I'm torn, really. I wish I could have both: work a little and be home a little. But that's not in the cards for me. And I know we'll all make the best of it.
Oh, and a little snippet before I go: the other day Mason and I were talking about his Preschool and he asked if Elmo and Zoey (from Sesame Street, for the uninformed) could come to his school. I said, "Maybe they could, who knows?" to which he said, "Yeah, maybe. But not Cookie Monster. He'd eat my school!" Just thought that was funny...
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 9:15 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
It has been a challenging few days...
I am exhausted. Physically and emotionally. Mentally. Metaphysically? Metaphorically? Hypothetically? And any other way you can be. Let's see if I can rememeber why...
Well, first of all, we thought we were making headway with Gracie's colic, but I swear it has returned. She's spitting up and spewing like Old Faithful once again and she seems really uncomfortable. We also think she MAY BE teething. Last night, she was wailing uncontrollably, and biting down on her fingers. We're not sure. But we do know that it is grating on our nerves and we feel bad for her.
Tuesday, I had a scheduled teeth cleaning and exam at a dentist's office. It has been years. And years. I think some time before Hubby got out of the Army, I went. Who knows when that was. 5 years ago? I'm not sure. Anyways. I had an appointment for 2 and they told me to be there 20 minutes early to do paperwork. So I get there at 1:40 and have the paperwork filled out lickety split. And then I sit. And sit some more. I was finally seen at 2:20. They took me back and did 16 X-RAYS (Apparently that's standard for them). Then I sat. And sat some more. The dentist finally came and poked around in my mouth a bit with his ice pick, spouting out numbers and abbreviations to his assistant. That always makes me nervous. Then he went behind my chair and started typing stuff. Also made me nervous. Then he disappeared. Then I waited. It was after 3 by this time. Then he came back and said that I need 5 fillings!! I guess the existing ones I have need repairs. Then he left again. Finally, at 3:40, when he came back in the room for the billionth time, I asked how much longer and he said that they were about to get started on the cleaning and it would be another half hour!! That's after I have been there since 1:40!! I then told them that I had other things to do and that I'd have to reschedule. I get to the front and they give me the quote for the fillings before insurance and it was almost $800!! Yeah, no thanks. I was steaming. After complaining to the receptionist, she told me that usually the hygenist does the cleaning, but they scheduled me with the dentist, and he had 4 other patients he was seeing at the same time! That's why he kept leaving the room so much!! Gee, thanks. So needless to say, we are now in search of another dentist that won't leave me in limbo for 2 hours!!
Wednesday, I woke up and got the kids ready to go to Preschool and the babysitter so I could go work in my room. Then I discover my keys are missing. And Hubby's already at work. I realize that my keys are at Ms. Allergy's house ( a work friend that has serious food allergies) because we visited them the night before. It's only 7 in the morning and I'm afraid they won't even be awake yet. Thank God they were awake and they live just a few blocks away, so her hubby drove them over to me. I got the kids loaded and took them to their respective places. I got to my room and decided I would put material up on my bulletin boards this year, because I'm tired of butcher paper. So I ran to Walmart and got what I needed. Let's just say I'm thankful the lady in the craft section gave me a little extra, because when I got it back to my room and cut it, I screwed up big time. First of all, I should never be trusted to measure and cut anything. Secondly, I couldn't get the material to stay on one side of the board while I stapled, the air was also off in the building so I was sweating like a warthog (I imagine they sweat a lot!) and my hands were moist. I ended up having to use pieces together to make one board and one small board didn't get any material at all. I just wanted to throw something. And because of that big production, I have to go back to my room tomorrow and get the rest of my to-do list finished so I am not worrying about it next week during Inservices and such.
Sigh. I guess that was it. I'm just tired and drained. So, you're welcome for such a lengthy blog!! I hope you appreciate what I do for you!! :)
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 12:03 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
I'm a big kid now!!

Posted by Princess Lionhead at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
It's down to the wire
Next Monday, Mason starts Preschool. It'll only be for a few hours, but still. He's starting Preschool! I need to go into my classroom for a little bit, so Grace is going to her new sitter Allison's house and Mason will be going to Preschool. He'll go two days next week: Monday and Wednesday (all day!!). He's excited and really, so am I. I'm so happy for him that he'll be making new friends and having new experiences and getting to do lots of fun stuff!! I just can't believe how fast he's grown. When I started this blog, he was 8 months old. Now, he's 3 and a half!! Grace will be 4 months old on Monday! And I know she's going to be in great hands with Allison. She has a 2 year old son of her own and she's a loving, caring, Christian woman. I feel completely comfortable leaving Grace with her. It's just caught up with me a bit that I'm going back to work.
But I do look forward to all of the comical events that will occur in my life, as I am thrusted back into the world of Hormone Central (a.k.a. middle school). Prepare for some mind blowing stories coming soon!!
Until then, I am wrapping my mind around everything that's going on in the near future, with a teary smile...
Posted by Princess Lionhead at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 07, 2008
Playing is hard work

Posted by Princess Lionhead at 7:58 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
I'm gonna wipe my bottom at Preschool!!!

Posted by Princess Lionhead at 10:06 PM 0 comments