Today was Mason's first day of Preschool. He was so excited last night, he didn't fall asleep until well after 9, even though we put him to bed at 8! He didn't have a problem saying goodbye to me when I dropped him off, especially because we were in time for waffles and applesauce for breakfast!! When I picked him at noon, he told me that they played outside (and he went on 4 SLIDES!!), ate cookies and orange juice for snack and they sang their ABC's. I couldn't help but to smile. I'm so happy that he had such fun. It will make dropping him off there everyday a lot easier...
I also took Grace to her 4 month appointment today. She measured 23.5 inches in length, which was good (that's almost 5 inches since birth!!), but only 10.12 pounds. That's in the 5th percentile. The doc said she wasn't real worried, but we needed to watch her intake and make sure she's getting enough. She seemed to be getting chunkier and heavier..

My babies are growing up so fast. Grace turned 4 months old today, and today was Mason's first day of Preschool. I'm in a happy place, don't get me wrong. I just can't believe school will be in session this time in 2 weeks.
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