Thursday, May 01, 2008

What's so magical about the 6 week mark??

A lot of people (including doctors) seem to think that once your newborn hits the 6 week mark, things start to run smoother. Hmmmm...tomorrow Gracie will be 6 weeks old (gosh, that was fast!!) and we're still working out some kinks. She has a serious spitting up problem (she's like Old Faithful. A screaming, unhappy, pooping Old Faithful...) and we are still in the changing-all-the-variables stage right now. We're hoping to get it figured out asap. In fact, we have an UltraSound of her tummy scheduled for Tuesday. They want to make sure everything's in working order and the valve going into her stomach is the right size or something.

She's also not sleeping through the night quite yet. I know we were spoiled with Mason, and we knew going into it that there was a chance she wouldn't be as eager to sleep through the night as young as he, but she was sending us false vibes about a week ago when she was sleeping until 4 or so. But she's back to waking up around 1 or 2 most of the time now. Maybe it's related to the problem mentioned above. Only time will tell, right?

Luckily I'm not really suffering from the Baby Blues this time around, because that would make things a billion times worse. Not to say I don't have my moments of tearful frustration, but at least I haven't thought of walking away and joining a circus. (Note: I did not seek a circus last time, I was just making up something ridiculous) But I do have times during the day when I miss work. I know if you read archived blogs from 2 months ago, you would be shocked to read this one, as I was SO READY to leave work then. But I miss the predictability of the job. I miss the interaction. And I miss getting out of the house without children. My children anyway.

I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, I just wish it was brighter. And closer.