Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This time tomorrow...

It will officially be summer, at least for the kids in my District. That seems weird to me, as I've been home and away from work since Spring Break. I often forget that summer hasn't even started yet. I keep thinking about things that need to get done in my classroom and how I'm going to get over there to do them, and that stresses me out. I want to have the mentality of "oh well, I'm on Maternity Leave!! I'll get them done when I darn well please!", but most every bone in my body wants to go down there right now and take care of them. I MIGHT try to go by the school tomrrow, as it is the last day. We'll see though, as it all depends on Grace's schedule.

It's been weird enough being out and about during a weekday, now I'll be seeing my students (some hiding, some seeking me out) around town.