Tuesday, April 29, 2008

All right. A Blogger friend of mine did this on her page, and now I'm doing it here. Read on, and then you're it!!

1) What was I doing 10 years ago?
Ummm...Well, I was 19, going on 20 (really?? Oh my, I'm getting old!!). I was in college as a Sophomore, just a few months away from moving to Flagstaff to go to NAU. I was dating my Hubby and he was in the Army, living in Tennessee. Much different lifestyle then.

2) What are 5 things on my to-do list for today (not in any particular order):
1. Call our doc about Gracie's continual spitting up.
2. Call the school district regarding a check I was supposed to get.
3. Get dressed.
4. Find a place in my closet for some clothes that don't quite fit me again.
5. Take a nap. Wishful thinking...

3) Snacks I enjoy:
Food is my friend. In fact, we're so close, that it likes to stick around on my body forever...Anywho, I love desserts, like ice cream, cake, cookies, donuts, etc. I also love pizza. And nachos.

4) Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Stop worrying about money forever.
2. Buy a big enough house that the kids could have a big playroom. And we could have an office for the computer. And a guest room. And a maid.
3. Set up college funds for the kids so they'd be set.
4. Buy brand new cars. Maybe electric cars.

5) Four of my bad habits:
1. Chewing on my fingers.
2. Being really, really sarcastic.
3. Being lazy at times.
4. Eating too much. Too often.

6) 5 places I have lived:
1. Phoenix, AZ
2. Anchorage, AK
3. Manassas, VA
4. Clarksville, TN
5. Prescott Valley, AZ

7) 5 jobs I have had:
1.Worked in about a half a dozen daycares.
2. Mervyn's.
3. Substitute teacher
4.Little Caesar's
5.Middle School Language Arts teacher.

8) 5 peeps I wanna know more about:
Well, I don't imagine anyone on here will fill it out, so no one I guess.

Monday, April 21, 2008

They're growing too fast!!

We went to Grace's 1 month appointment today, and she is now 8 pounds, 3 ounces and 20.25 inches long. I had a feeling she was over 8 pounds, as she was beginning to fit in size 1 diapers, but I still couldn't believe she was that big already!! And she's a month old today!! Man oh man.

Oh and my first baby? He can completely dress and undress himself, brush his own teeth, identify the upper and lowercase of letters of the alphabet as pairs (he can match up a lowercase "a" with an uppercase "A", for example), he can dictate the words in some of his books, and the biggest thing??? He's on his last Pull-Up at bedtime!! That means after tonight, it's underwear all the time, baby!! He's been dry and probably ready for underwear at bedtime for a a month or more, but we thought we'd wait and ease him into yet another change. I think he'll be fine. He always wakes up dry and he does sometimes tell us in the middle of the night that he has to go. I'm so proud of him. And he'll be going to Preschool in the Fall.

What a blessing that my babies are healthy and growing up right on track, but as a mommy, sometimes you have to just sit back for a moment and let your eyes well up with tears and wonder where the time has gone...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Howdy howdy howdy!!

Hello y'all...As you can see, we're hanging in there and being a little crazy too. Here's Mason turning his little sister into Woody from Toy Story. Yes, he thought of that himself. And yes, he put the hat on her all by himself and started saying, "Howdy howdy howdy!" It was funny. The end.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Our little beauty queen

Our second child is so much higher maintenance than Mason. She fusses more. She takes longer to go back to sleep. She spits up like a volcanic eruption. She doesn't really like the swing. She spits the binky out, but then cries because she wants it. She likes to be swaddled, but quickly gets at least one arm out and then cries.
But ain't she the purdiest baby girl you've ever seen?

Friday, April 11, 2008


Things are looking up. Our little Gracie girl is 3 weeks old today!! Crazy, isn't it? And really, I can't remember what it was like before she was here. Well, I got more sleep, that I remember. But she's definitely getting lots of rest. And so is Mason, which is good. I try to nap during the day, since most of the time, one of Grace's naps coordinates with Mason's. But I still feel tired. Oh well. I can sleep when I'm dead, right? Until then, I am enjoying being a Mommy of Two. And I will enjoy it even more when our baby girl sleeps through the night.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

First full day survived

Well, today was officially the first full day that it was just Mason, Grace and I all day. We survived. No one got hurt. No one starved. Nothing caught on fire. I didn't break down into tears. So I consider that a good day. My hubby left the house around 7:45 this morning and won't be back until 6 or so tonight. A long first day for us, but we made it. Between Grace's feedings, I managed to do and put away laundry (3 loads), put away dishes, played outside with Mason, watched some tv and wrote a grocery list. Not bad.

I took Grace for her follow-up weight check appointment yesterday, and she's up to 7 pounds!! That's above her birth weight!! Yippee!! We revel in the little things.

I guess that's it. It's still weird to me to not be at school, but I'm getting over it. I've spoken with a few colleagues, and they said that Mrs. Former Assistant Principal is flourishing as my sub. She has stated that I am so organized that she comes in minutes before school starts and leaves right after school. That's a prideful moment for me. I spent the last month of work in nesting mode, preparing a binder for her, including lesson plans, assignments, procedures, rules, etc. I guess it was sufficient.

So, that's it for real. Nothing else to say. This is my life now. Two kids. At home. And I'm surviving so far.